Learn how we can work together to serve the massage therapy community.
Instructor Page
Consider a great, more affordable alternative to having your own website! Full webpage on our website with your picture, bio, class list, class descriptions, prices, dates, payment option, registration form, etc. We do all the work for you!
Please contact
Oostas to get started!
Unlimited classes advertised on our Classes page for one year.
Your classes included on monthly email and Facebook blasts.
Your classes link to your own website and Facebook page, or your own (optional) Instructor page on Massage CE Advantage website.
Unlimited classes advertised on
Massage CE Calendar page that direct potential students to your website, your FB page, or your (optional)
Instructor page on the Massage CE Advantage website.
$175.00/year for unlimited classes
Up to 5 classes advertised on our Classes page for one year.
Your classes included in monthly email and Facebook blasts.
Your classes link to your own website, Facebook page, or your own, (optional) Instructor page on Massage CE Advantage website.
Classes advertised on Massage CE Calendar page that directs potential students to your own website and Facebook page, or your (optional) Instructor page on the Massage CE Advantage website.
$125.00/yr for up to 5 classes
One class advertised on the Massage CE Calendar page that directs potential students to your own website and Facebook page, or your (optional) Instructor page on the Massage CE Advantage website.
Your class included in monthly email and Facebook blasts.
$30/yr for each class listing
Unlimited classes advertised on our
Classes page for one year.
Your classes included in monthly email blast.
Your classes link to your own website and Facebook page.
Classes advertised on
Massage CE Calendar that directs potential students to your own website and Facebook page .
This rate applies for Massage Schools and Organizations with multiple Instructors.
$275/yr for unlimited classes
SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT for Options 2-4 if you purchase Option #1.
Contact Lin at
Lin@massageCEadvantage.com to change or upgrade any option.
All Rights Reserved | Massage CE Advantage
MCEA does not recommend or endorse any CE instructors or classes